Thursday 9 December 2010

Week 10!!! End of Theory Start of Practice

Well I am not sad, I repeat, I am satisfied. I have fought I have done it!!! If I had the opportunity to go back in time and they invited me to do this course... I would do it again. It was worth all the stress. And I am happy I have been able to keep going until the end, once or twice I thought I'd better give up, but whenever that thought came to my mind I thought of  my students, when they want to quit and I insist I try to keep them on the boat.

Robert, you did it once or twice too, you grabbed me and helped me go on rowing, and I thank you for that, now I am stronger...

Nice having share this course with all of you my virtual class mates
A big human hug

Sunday 5 December 2010

Week 9! a better outside

learning styles... strategies... autonomy.... a technology change.... I am new teacher after this course.
yes, I knew about most of the areas we were asked to read for this course, but what happened to me is that I actually experimented being a student again, I was challenged and I had to fight to complete my assignments...

I have a feeling of satisfaction, I believe I have done it and I am different because I remembered that after you have learned the theory practice practice practice is all it takes. So I will go over evertything I have learned here and read what I didn't with more time now and I will make a change in my teaching, with no doubt...

Saturday 27 November 2010

Week 8 Teacher resources online

We are on the second half of this course and I need to share this: this course has changed me. I feel a legal digital citizen now. (Not native yet) But I feel much more confident working with several windows at the same time. It reminds me a little of when I learned how to drive. Gear, windscreen wipers, lights, driving wheel, they were too many things at the same time, I felt much the same when I started this course.

Now I have to focus my energy on the project. Motivating students to do assignments more enthusiastically through the web. I must say I have not been able to see all what  my classmates have created (this is part of what I have had to change,  I used to read everything, now we have to select as there is too much information at hand simultaneously) However, while reading the discussion thread on the creation of a website or exercise, I found Hassan is doing something similar.  I am still shaping mine so I will see if Hassan helps me inspire.  I believe in synergy.

Sunday 21 November 2010

Week 7 Students autonomy, Is teaching possible?

I liked what I read in Thanasoulas' article in
Especially when dealing with constructivism, the writer says that we can not teach anything, only learning is possible. I think that's quite close to what it really is. Everything is affected by context, history, emotions, so our role is that of facilitators and learners at the same time.
Once we accept that, anxiety decreases and we accept that the objective is the jouney, the process, the way... the goal is just an excuse to move... the moving is the goal. With or without technology.

My own daughter has repeated her 10th grade four times, and I have found it hard to accept it as walking. So I am not just talking for the sake of it. I mean what I say.

Sunday 14 November 2010

Week 6: Motivating students to do homework more willlingly

"Students don't go over the assigned readings", "They come to class without having done research on the topic", "They don`t want to think".. 

What do I do to change that? How do I engage students into doing what I "have-to-teach-them-because-it-is-in-the-syllabus?", do I create opportunities for them to use what they "have to" learn?

I think I want to start by creating blogs like this for each student and ask them to make a weekly comment in theirs and someone else's blog, as we do. This is because students should get into the habit of logging in to do an assignment. In that way I would move from facebook, which I am using for the habit formation, to blogger.

Thursday 4 November 2010

Week 5: PBL, Webquests, tasks tasks tasks...

I started late this week, but I showed up. Project Based Learning I am familiar with but I found Gael's article very ... touching. I am that kind of teacher, with fewer resources which are starting to be more, we do similar things. Engage students in learning because we open doors and windows ajar to reality. The classroom is in many cases isolated from the world where we ALL live. Project Based, Task Based, Constructivism, CLT, Critical Thinking bridge that gap. 

That's why I attach my strawberries, which are not mine, I help them grow, they are part of the Earth as I am, as you are...
